How To Use Twitter for Business

Twitter has over 330 million active users and is a global phenomenon. In this brief, we'll show you how to use Twitter for business in order to help you build brand awareness and engage with your audience as a part of your Digital Marketing Melbourne. We'll help you build a Twitter profile that stands out among the crowd, give tips on how to optimize your content, and show you some tools that will make managing the platform easier. By following these steps, you can boost engagement, create more leads, and ultimately make more sales!

Build a profile that stands out.

To make sure that your profile stands out, you should have a profile image (your avatar), a description, a bio and an account name. The first three are mandatory—the last two are optional (but highly recommended).

Your profile image should be consistent across all platforms where your business is active. Your account name and URL should also be the same on every platform so they're easier to remember and find.

Add value with your content.

As a business, you're responsible for giving people a reason to follow you. This can be in the form of valuable content that provides value, helps their lives in some way, or simply entertains them. You should also consider being funny and/or informative as part of this strategy.

In addition to providing great content on your Twitter feed (and elsewhere), think about how you can use it to better serve your customers. How can this platform help you increase brand loyalty? What would it take for them to want more from you? And how can they get it?

Optimize your content.

Content optimization. Twitter is a public platform, so you want your content to be engaging and accessible for everyone. Use hashtags to make your tweets easy to find by users searching for specific topics, or retweeting others' posts that contain relevant hashtags. Don't forget about images: they're an excellent way to convey messages quickly and effectively on Twitter's 140 character limit.

Use video and GIFs instead of text-only tweets whenever possible; they're more likely to get noticed by users scrolling through their timelines quickly.

Polls are another great way of getting people involved with your business on Twitter—they allow followers who see them in their feed (or discover them later) to reply directly in their own words, rather than just liking or sharing the post itself like other types of engagement might require them too.

Use a Twitter tool.

You can use a tool to find and follow people on Twitter.

If you're trying to build your follower count, this is a good way to do it.

There are many different tools available, but they're all basically the same thing: they allow you to search for specific users and see who they follow, as well as see who follows them. You can then choose whether or not you want to start following those people yourself.

Some of these tools are free, while others cost money (typically under $10/month). Some specialize in helping businesses grow their social media presence; others focus more on personal use cases like keeping up with celebrities or tracking hashtags related to your industry so that other people don't steal your idea when tweeting about it first!

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Monitor your brand.

For the purpose of this post, you should start by monitoring your brand. This means tracking your performance, competitors, industry and keywords.

  • Track Your Brand: Track Twitter activity around your brand name by looking for mentions, retweets and replies. You can also track hashtags that are used in relation to your business – this will give you an idea of what people are saying about you on Twitter and how active they are.
  • Track Competitors: Find out what people are saying about your competitors’ products or services by monitoring their mentions on Twitter. You can see if they have any positive or negative mentions as well as what types of conversations they’re having with their followers most frequently (i.e., customer service).

Measure results.

After you've been using Twitter for a while and have built up a following, it's worth measuring your results. Twitter Analytics is a great tool to use here. You can look at the following metrics:

  • Follower growth. How many people are following you? Are they new users or existing ones?
  • Engagement rate (how often people engage with your tweets). Are you getting more retweets, replies, and likes as time goes by?
  • Conversion rate (how often people click on links in your tweets). Are these clicks leading to sales or other conversions for your business?


We hope this guide has helped you learn about how to use Twitter for business as per Digital Marketing Specialist. Whether your goal is to improve customer service, get more website traffic, or build up brand awareness, Twitter can be a powerful tool for growing your business. Just remember that success requires hard work and consistency—so keep at it!


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