Why Does SMS Marketing Work So Well With Email?

Email marketing has been a solid part of any successful business's marketing strategy for years. Despite the advent of new messaging channels, email remains the most direct and personal way to connect with your customers. But as a savvy marketer, you know that you can't rely on a single channel to reach your audience—that's why it's not just important to invest in SEO Adelaide Services - wide but also in ways to integrate those channels for better results. This brings us to SMS (text message) marketing.

Why Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the most popular digital marketing channel, with 89% of marketers using it as part of their strategy. It is cost-effective, allowing you to reach a large number of people in a short period of time.

This is highly effective: the average email campaign generates a $38 revenue increase per email sent! And finally, it's trackable—in fact, you can measure how many people opened and clicked on your emails (and if they didn't open or click at all).

Why SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is a powerful way to reach customers directly. It's a cost-effective way to reach customers directly. It's convenient, it's quick, and you can do it from anywhere. So why would you choose SMS over email?

Benefits of Combining Email Marketing with SMS:

SMS marketing is a powerful way to communicate with customers. It's also an effective method of driving sales and building brand loyalty, but it can be tricky to implement.

Email marketing is one of the most popular ways companies market themselves online, but it can be difficult to track results and measure ROI. In fact, some subscribers may not open or click on your emails at all—or they might even unsubscribe from your mailing list because they feel like they're being spammed. SMS marketing offers many benefits that complement those offered by email:

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1. Customer data and list growth can be shared between the two.

SMS marketing is a great way to reach your audience, but what happens when you need to grow your email list as well? Fortunately, there's an easy solution: you can use email and SMS together.

When it comes to customer data and listing growth, both email and text messages are incredibly valuable. You'll want to be sure that you're using both channels in harmony with each other.

How will this work? Well, first, let's talk about the benefits of combining these two channels for your business.

2. Reach more customers with multiple messaging channels.

SMS marketing is a great way to reach customers who are not interested in email. It's also a great way to enhance SEO Adelaide-wide with your customer base when you don't have time to send an email.

For example, if you want to alert subscribers about new products or promotions, SMS can be sent right away, and the message will get through because people are busy and have a lot of distractions. Email takes longer because customers often check their emails at certain times during the day—not always when something important comes up.

SMS also gives businesses access to customers who may not be interested in receiving emails from them or prefer not getting any messages from them at all (for example, if they signed up for some kind of promo but didn't want further correspondence).

3. Choosing the right medium can improve the customer experience.

When it comes to your marketing strategy, choosing the right medium can improve the customer experience. The right medium for the right audience and message will allow you to deliver your message in the most effective way possible.

The best way to determine which channel is best suited to reach your audience is by understanding their demographics and behaviour.

SMS can be sent directly from a mobile device, so it feels more personal; social media allows users who aren't necessarily on email lists but do engage with popular content online as well as being able to interact with each other in real-time or through comments sections.

How To Effectively Use Email and SMS Marketing Together

We've already discussed the benefits of using SMS marketing together with email. Now, let's talk about how to do it right.


Email and SMS are two very different channels—and they require distinct messaging approaches. While you can use the same content for both channels, the most effective way to use them together is by segmenting your audience and sending messages based on those segments. This ensures that your customers only receive relevant information from you so that they don't get overwhelmed or annoyed by too many messages at once.


Testing different versions of each message allows you to learn more about your audience and what works best for them in terms of timing, frequency, personalisation and more.

Customer Data

When combining email with SMS marketing efforts, think beyond simple segmentation—think customer data! Having access to first-party information like purchase history or behavioural preferences enables vastly improved messaging strategies that drive results like increased conversion rates (CRO).


With the right SEO Adelaide-wide strategy and by choosing the right medium to deliver your message, you can experience all the benefits of using SMS and email together. The key is to consider each customer individually and understand how they like to receive company messages. By combining the channels, you'll be able to engage with your customers in a more personal and relevant way than ever before.


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